Over 60-year fleeing increased from marriage

While generally the number of divorces decreases, the ages are always obter, a reason could be the growing life expectancy

In Germany, the Federal Statistical Office has set the statistical office in the short break that the marriages in front of a divorce hold a little more long, by an average of 14 years and 7 months ([link to 6/154713]). After a peak in 2003, the number of divorces have been slightly and continuously backed up, in 2012, 2012 by 4.5 percent in 2012.

In the Great Britain, the development is similar. There was the highest state of the divorces in 1996, 2003 there was again a peak, since spouses do not like to separate so much. May be that the crisis affects here, shelling are often a financial adventure.

The British Office for National Statistics, however, has worked out a trend that is very interesting and has already been observed in the USA. Although the divorce rate has fallen into recent years, it increased from 60-year-old. The statistics work has worked up the numbers for manners, but says that it is similar to women. While in 1991 from 1000 manners, 13.6 divorced, it was only 10.8 in 2011. Dafur rose the number of divorced men over 60 from 1.6 per 1000 to 2.3. With more than 15 percent, marriage had held 40-49 years, on average it was more than 27 years. So it will be held long before you make the jump

That looks like little, the change is still considerable. Since 1990, the number of divorced manner has risen at the age of 60 and more by 73 percent. However, these are not so many in absolute terms, namely 9.500 men in 2012 (women: 5.800), in the 1980s and 1990s it was between 5000 and 6000 (women: 3.200 in 1991), after the divorces in the 1970s had increased significantly in the 60-year-olds. The differences between the manneors and women came mainly through that normally the men are old than their wives.

The statistics workers also tries to explain the trend not to stay together in old age, but to break up again and start a new life. Early ends with a great probability with the divorce than with the death of the spouse. One reason could be the further growing life expectancy, so many years ago, it seems to be worthwhile, not to endure, but again to go his own ways. In 1991, Manners could expect average for another 21 years, in 2012 already 26 years old – a lot of time so to be just enough, if you are not really satisfied.

To divorce, even if you are already old, it is hardly any problem today and do not draw stigmatization, which is why the Midlife Crisis is shifting relationships and the divorce numbers from the age of 60 are rising when the end of the working time is seaming , the children have long been a house or at least no gross obstacle reason and maybe you can still hope to find a new partner. The women also falls a late divorce because a high proportion is working and financially out of the man depends on. Nevertheless, more men rich over 60 divorce as women over 60.

In Germany, the Federal Statistical Office has set the statistical office in the short break that the marriages in front of a divorce hold a little more long, by an average of 14 years and 7 months ([link to 6/154713]). After a peak in 2003, the number of divorces have been slightly and continuously backed up, in 2012, 2012 by 4.5 percent in 2012.

In the Great Britain, the development is similar. There was the highest state of the divorces in 1996, 2003 there was again a peak, since spouses do not like to separate so much. May be that the crisis affects here, shelling are often a financial adventure.

However, the British Office for National Statistics worked out a trend that was very interesting you have already been watched in the USA. Although the divorce rate has fallen into recent years, it increased from 60-year-old. The statistics work has worked up the numbers for manners, but says that it is similar to women. While in 1991 from 1000 manners, 13.6 divorced, it was only 10.8 in 2011. Dafur rose the number of divorced men over 60 from 1.6 per 1000 to 2.3. With more than 15 percent, marriage had held 40-49 years, on average it was more than 27 years. So it will be held long before you make the jump

That looks like little, the change is still considerable. Since 1990, the number of divorced manner has risen at the age of 60 and more by 73 percent. However, these are not so many in absolute terms, namely 9.500 men in 2012 (women: 5.800), in the 1980s and 1990s it was between 5000 and 6000 (women: 3.200 in 1991), after the divorces in the 1970s had increased significantly in the 60-year-olds. The differences between the manneors and women came mainly through that normally the men are old than their wives.

The statistics workers also tries to explain the trend not to stay together in old age, but to break up again and start a new life. Early ends with a great probability of divorce than the death of the spouse. One reason could be the further growing life expectancy, so many years ago, it seems to be worthwhile, not to endure, but again to go his own ways. In 1991, Manners could expect average for another 21 years, in 2012 already 26 years old – a lot of time so to be just enough, if you are not really satisfied.

To divorce, even if you are already old, it is hardly any problem today and do not draw stigmatization, which is why the Midlife Crisis is shifting relationships and the divorce numbers from the age of 60 are rising when the end of the working time is seaming , the children have long been a house or at least no gross obstacle reason and maybe you can still hope to find a new partner. The women also falls a late divorce because a high proportion is working and financially out of the man depends on. Nevertheless, more manner rich over 60 the divorce as women over 60.

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