Na meal!

Animal flour in the feeding trough?

Umpacked meat in the shelves of a gross food chain, water in ham and untenable hygienic relevant in German battlethofen. The food industry, and especially the meat industry, not only ensures headlines with wage dumping in your employees.

The BSE danger is neither banned – nor are the causes sufficiently explored (prions in kidney, pancreatic drum and liver). Nevertheless, the industry already scarrows with the Hooves and tries to soften the EU decisions. In the Bundestag you get protective help from the CDU / CSU and FDP.

Animal meal again as animal feed?

In German animal corporate disposal facilities each year over a million tons of animal flours, meat bone stems, animal fats, blood stems are produced. In addition, there are products such as spring flour from the flog fitting or grease flour of so-called fat melts.

The extensive intensive lever farming, according to Foodwatch, also means, in addition to coarse quantities of cheap meat and sausage products, a third of each slaughterhouse lands in the waste, a total of two and a half million tonnes.

According to the Foodwatch calculations, more than two million tonnes of slaughterproducts are available for slaughter, decomposition and meat processing in Germany alone. There are also around 400.000 tons of animal bodies. These are sickly slaughtered or lived animals from agriculture, but also from pet farming, zoos and circuses.

In response to the BSE trap, three legally determined (risk) categories of animal flours, category 1 is currently valid in Europe, is currently in particular risky material, category 2 and 3 for less dangerous products. None of the three categories can be dining at battle cattle. However, material of category 3 may be applied as a dunner and the animal fats also from animal offenses can continue to be legally available in many EU countries.

124.000 tons of animal flour disappeared?

In October 2004, the Foodwatch in a study proved that the whereabouts of 124.000 tons of animal flour in 2003 can not be explained by the stated resistances. Unclear is so far whether the stuff was illegally dining, or if it is just a mistake in statistics.

None of Foodwatch surveyed authority in the Federal Republic of Germany saw himself able to explain the whereabouts of this product.


This results alone from imports from Danemark a statistical misstand of 77.000 tons. According to the Danischen Office for Statistics, 79.031 tons spent to Germany. However, only 2 dive in the German import statistics.178 tons of animal flour from Danemark. Possible explanation tests: It was many small imports that did not document the obligation to report, or the receptioners have not fulfilled their obligation to report. On questions from Telepolis, the state-owned Federal Ministry of Consumer refers to information of the Landers who had not detected misfeeds.

The Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Emergency and Agriculture (BMVEL) lay and are no indications of an unauthorized use of animal flour as an feed. Immediately after becoming aware of the Foodwatch article BMVEL has asked the Supreme Provincial Horns for the Veterinary. It follows from the opinions that information is exchanged for the amount of the delivered and disposed of animated animal flour between the status veterinary fields at the departure location and at the destination, D. H. Luckless documentation is available. The opinions also arise that the countries have no indications of an illegal entertainment.


This information is all the more amazing, as well as the Federal Statistical Office against the Foodwatch relative to the unclear 124.000 tonnes explained:

This estimation is comprehensible for us

However, the statisticians point out that for a luckless proof of using animal flour in Germany the legal basis is missing.

There is no statutory order to the official statistics to capture this facts in the companies, to prepare accordingly and to announce the openness.

It is certain because the whereabouts of the stuff is not captured, no one can control whether farmers do not muster the animal flour acquired as a "dunner" not secretly under the feed. One may be tensioned for the numbers for 2004.

Allow animal fat again?

It is clear that the agricultural lobby is shouting at the ban and raises the Federal Government, which so far also prohibits the entertainment of animal fats, a disadvantage of the German animal feed industry. Thus, Ulrich Niemann, Prasident of the German Association of Petry (DVT) explained at the annual press conference of his Association in Bonn:

We are not necessarily on the wave that we say we want the animal fats in the processing, but we want competition equality. This is our principle and if what is about the stuff, then that may not be the food import, which the animal products come to us, then the others can not use that and if there is nothing to complain about the animal fats, like the remaining Europe says, then there is no reason why you can not do that in Germany. It is regrettable that here in Germany is always predestined stricter mabs in control and in prohibitions. On the other hand, we are not a step in research on the actual causes at BSE.

Ulrich Niemann

In contrast, the consumer ministry remains to prohibit the attitude of Animal Fat in his attitude. The reason for this is, according to the Ministry of Telepolis:

Our amption that also animal fats play a role in the BSE happen. We have notified our prohibition at the EU, but has not yet received an opinion from the Commission. This is expected for this summer

For Matthias Wolfschmidt by Foodwatch, the industry should be used in other ways for equal treatment and

In Brussel for a general ban on the use of animal fats and for a trade ban of unadulpable animal meals as an alleged dunner – on the association level and the Commission. Such commitment goods believed as the complaint about alleged competitive disadvantages due to the German animal fat deployment bond in food.

Also in the Bundestag the discussion goes in the direction of the animal flour again as food. In a small request in January this year, the FDP parliamentary group already suggested another EU policy and asked:

Principles of animal meals, the suspension of the Audit of Animal Meals, is primarily a danger of consumers? If no, in which traps is a relaxation of the animal meal framing ban on responsibility and when is to be expected with such loosening?

The Federal Government replied her,

It is unknown that the European Commission is currently a lifting of the austerity ban on animal flours.(…) After segregation of the Federal Government, Modifications of the Desting Contributions are only possible if it is ensured that the BSE protection level continues to ensure. This can only be assessed in the concrete individual case.

Answer by the Federal Government

As early as 2003, the CDU member asked Peter H. Carstensen (Nordstrand), CDU / CSU The Federal Government after the burden of the austerity ban on animal fats, taking into account the fact that food from other EU countries produced with animal fats, unhindered to the German food market.

The direction of his question clarified by the MEP Carstensen in his further question in which he inquired about the competitive disadvantage of the German feed and finishing industry compared to the European competition.

The Federal Government made these questions at that time with their opinion necessary BSE precaution. The question remains how long it takes for the more conservative EU Commission to follow the Agrarlobby and also lands animal flour back into the trogen.

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