First worldwide interactive online survey

Organizer 3Com promises one "digital mirror" in real time, novel combination of technologies and overcoming the digital gap

It is above all a promotional, but however an interesting premiere. While the ICANN the first worldwide elections in the smallest circle of interested Internet users play under occasional breakdowns, 3Com has taught together with other companies, a worldwide survey of people online and offline over God and the world under the title Planet Project.

From 15. to 18. In November 2000, millions of people from all over the world should answer some questions in the first worldwide interactive survey, from which they can see what it means to live at the beginning of a new millennium. The questions range from topics such as politics, health or religion to the self-image, sexuality or child education. To each of the eight modules, including what "Sleep and dream" or "law and order" find, there are 20 questions, for example "If you have changed your breed if you knew you can not make it anymore?", "Have you ever had a dream you have experienced in real life?" or "How often do you and your spouse print your mutual affection?"

You do not need to do all questions. It’s also enough to answer a module, but then his answers can be allegedly compared to those of the other. The questions in the eight languages Chinese, German, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. However, apparently a translation machine has been used, which is quite good, but the reader occasionally brings to smile.

The project, so is promised to never use such integrated technologies to have one "digital mirror" to create real-time, so to see immediately, which settings other, apparently split according to nationality, gender, race or religious approval, to the queried topics. "Compare immediately with the world", Also advertises 3Com and sees the project as an implementation of the UN program to improve the dialogue between cultures. Whose ladder, GIndomenico Picco, supports the project: "We have to overwind the prejudices of all kinds. No knowledge of each other is one of the reason for prejudices: communication and knowledge are powerful means to learn the variety of all skats." But the project should also show the vision of 3Com: a world that is more appreciated by network technologies.

3Com but has also prescribed the fight against the digital gap. Therefore, not only millions of people should answer the questions during the four days, but also "Thousands of interviewers" In 90 countries to the uncrosslinked people go into the last angles – Escaped with portable computers and transmitters to can eat the results equal. Of the "Rainwalters of the Amazon or on Papua New Guinea up to the city around the world", But also from the "Mountains of the Himalaya and the Steppen Siberia" Should people speak – and, of course, the glory of 3Com more, just one wants to network all of them and demonstrate as it is and how well it works.

Eric Benhamou, CEO of 3Com, is certainly sure that "weather" It can do it: "3Com has the possibilities to bring all together and put it in a way that is absolutely easy. The survey is the biggest, fastest, more complicated survey of this kind ever undertaken, but she will simply be just on."

In parallel, there is still a survey of young people between the ages of 13 and 20 years who are "Student Underground" is called. Here, 20 schools or students from different countries have been selected, which each can ask a question. From the 15. November will see these questions on the website. In addition to these questions, the young people should also answer a selection of the questions of the Planet Project. For teachers, materials are provided to allow you to use the survey for lessons. One has always been, so 3Com, had been involved in order to help young people for better education, the use of the internet is not only dependent on the money, but also of education. A million dollars also donated 3Com to Planet Project to better schools with their own programs "Learning Solutions" connect.

Is promised that the personal data collected by the required registry will be removed from the answers. Allegedly, e-mail addresses or telephone numbers should also be used for no advertising purposes.

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