Anonymous pc repair to conquer a heart

China: Lawyer and pleasure geek arrested at burglary from love

The hard or even underwaste of a revered lady is unsolicited, is a good recipe, not to get to her heart, but to the prison. Also additionally scrubbed the ground or repair the computer, only conditionally protects against punishment.

The fact that you are not repaired from love TVs, cars or computers, young men learn relatively early: they will be in this way to the Kummeronkel, the not only the whole family and also the circle of circle of the donated broken devices, but also getting all alleged, that the good has to suspend your lover. By the itself, the geek does not come to this position. A few years later, he usually comes behind it that this is still better than the position of the lover, whose vulnerabilities now know all the repair of the young lady.

Nevertheless, it is always always happening that a man does not dare to confess the same to the object of his desire. Upfately, he then sends her flowers or writes her love letters and forget to specify the sender. It is less elegant to lend itself the underwear of the lover. If it goes on, this is now called Neutzutsch Stalking.

This can, of course, also happen if the lover only has no interest in interest and then leads to no longer anonymous embarrassment as an ex-lover in front of the tur-standing ex-lovers, which takes hours-long ring railway and (by brought mobile phone) phone terror, hoping this kind of succession to suddenly succeed in the beloved facing successors. The foreseeable episode: The neighbors concludely call the police to finally sleep ..

Computer repair with Dietrich

All this was not known to the Chinese Jin Bo. When he had joined his neighbor, he bet it with his roommate that he was conquered her heart. And overwhelmed a plenty of striking tactics to achieve this as the Shenzhen Daily reports: Jin Bo broke for the first time on the 5th. October this year in the apartment of his neighbor, but escaped as she woke up. Then he broke four more times, made her wash, spons her dishes, scrubbed the floor and spaced her wardrobe. He also hurt food and a green: "Do not panic. I hope you can understand my feelings for you" and repaired your computer.

At the last slump on the 15. In November, Jin Bo was finally caught on fresh act when he fell on the neighboring apartment with two photos of the revered, one of their housing closure, a bra and an MP3 player. The latter because he was broken to repair him.

What the court pronounced as a punishment is not known so far. However, there should be many computers to be repaired and scrubbing fubs in Chinese police stations, dishes and cogs. Even Geeks is therefore rather advisable to the traditional floral, even though some lady with household and computer problems may now be quite a grave ..

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