The end of the dark master

Iraq: Ahmed Tschalabi, former darling of the Pentagon, is dismantled

He was the “Oberpandenfuhrer”. As soon as the word of Puppet regime In Iraq fell, everyone knew who meant in particular: Ahmed Tschalabi, Government Councilor and Chairman of the Inc (Iraqi National Congress). Unpopular in Iraqi population Galabi was considered protege of the Pentagon. Until you love him on Thursday.

With the Iranian President Mohammed Khatami in December 2003

The spectacular end of a wonderful friendship: Tschalabi was brought from bed on Thursday at half past nine minutes away time by armed manners. Iraqi militar policemen searched his moon residence and space of the INC party according to evidence. The official fundamentation for the house search, which transformed the housing of the simplistic Joker of Cheney into a chaos, was greeted the day before yesterday that one wanted to be searched for manners in the Inc environment, against which a warrant due to car theft.

The Spartakus from Iraq

But decorated in Iraq for a long time, paid from a very different offense, which provided for the squad on American tanks, Iraqi militar police and intelligence staff in front of the house of Tschalabis: the Spartakus from Iraq, How to named Tschalabi at the beginning of the Iraq conflict, should be involved in fraud manovals in connection with reconstruction contracts and have tried to conclude government allowance before the power of power on accounts of the INC. In addition, mutations came about a participation of Tschalabi militias (the last year still flown in the Pentagon in Iraq) “Criminal activities”.

Yesterday noon (local time Baghdad), the state investigative judges announced the charges: fraud, deployment and “associated offenses”. Namely, persons made from the environment of Tschalabis should “Be involved in crimes committed against Iraqis. A small group was held and tortured by these criminals. In addition, there were a number of kidnappings and also murders – from personal reasons. In addition, you have to take over government facilities.”

The last charge coincides with prompted, which have been inaccouraged in the direction of Tschalabi and Inc for quite some time: that entire ministries are in the hand of Tschalabis people and he has a lot of secret documents and files fruit. For example, Tschalabi has important material about OL man “Oil for food”-Program. The fact that the search for car-indexed maybe only an opportuner pretext for completely different minds were, for sure does not speak the loot of house searches: Computers and files.

Yesterday afternoon, two further enthusiasms provided for furore. Tschalabi should have passed on Hearing material to Iran and the police are said to have sought a newsweek message according to documents, which confirm that the suspicion that the INC benefited from the introduction of the new Iraqi preservation by the introduction of the new Iraqi truth, which approached an Inc Company ordered order should be burned, Uber neighboring countries were reinstated into the economic cycle. Some of the bills that appeared again had fire traces.

Although occupying leader bremen officially emphasizes that the raid in the Tschalabis house and in the space of the INC had an Iraqi matter, which has not been carried out so far only because the Iraqi investigations were missing the enforcement possibilities and a ten-month-old indictment of Iraqi Central Criminal Court As a proof for a purely economic criminal justification, there is a lot of suggesting that Tschalabi also politically indicates “due” was.

Heroes in Errors

Last weekend, the American Foreign Minister Collin Powell had officially announced that the US was purposefully of Tschalabi in the run-up to the Iraq war on Irregufehr, which was concerned about mass destruction of weapons in the country. (Tschalabi himself did his mistakes loose with the hint, one is just Heroes in Errors and the main thing was just that the dictator was chased). Last week, the monthly payments to the INC – 340.000 dollars – set.

Since UN mediator Brahimi with his suggestion of a Caretaker Government (cf. “They are not happy that they are occupied”) When the Government Council should shut up, Tschalabi, who saw his position in Iraq, saw himself increasingly from the Americans and played the man of the “Iraqi people”, which the crew of the Americans ever criticized violent. As soon as Bremen appeared somewhere, Tschalabi retreated. The two were spinning.

The dispute was completely involved in Bremers trying to reinstate former members of the Baath Party into American occupation policy – such as in Falludscha – after being concluded in American lead, that the early dissolution of the Iraqi army has ground the “Debaathization” a political mistake was, for the most of all, Tschalabis made his own power policy interests.

The Demontage Tschalabis suggests that the State Department in the Rivalitat is currently heavily criticized Pentagon’s ride. The influence of neo-conservative strategists seems to be less. However, there are critics who say that the US was only little bonded in the country with this step against the Inc, after the Sunnis has already impressed and the Shiites more and more worried the Shiites by massive military approaches near the most secluded cult atmosphere.

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