Asymmetric wars

For the Israeli army, the Hezbollah is surprisingly well-deserted and trained, which the shooting of the drone only confirmed

Seen from afar, it is amazing that a technical and numeric far-to-day coating is not within a few weeks and also with massive support from the air a few thousand campers should be back or defeated. It is called to explain the astonishing success that Hezbollah has rusted with modern, Iran and Syria weapons, especially with tank defense weapons, are well-trained, hiding over a good infrastructure, hide, Tunnels or bunkers free and tactically passed. On the one hand, they are considered a guerrilla troupe, on the other hand as modern combat units. In addition, they do not hide themselves in coarse bats where uptairs in the mass of civilians are best covered, but operate in villages, small bads and inevitable countries.

Alone for that, because Hezbollah still is still able to fire hundreds of missiles during all losses that they have suffered every day, regardless of the resulting random consequences of staying at the openness, rose to see the reputation the radicallamic organization and, above all, that of your commutator Nasrallah in coarse parts of the Muslim world to a kind of hero worship. That is, therefore, that the nearby east, in addition to Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq, became the zone, which is allegedly the West and the Muslim East as once at times of crusaders, and each fight for her survival.

So far, the Muslim uprising and terrorists were rather fainted and stood with their primitive weapons, with which no open fight left, the high-custodized armies opposite. What connects the Lebanon with Afghanistan or Iraq is that in this asymmetric war one side has the absolute airupy and thus has a huge advantage, even though bombing, go wrong and meet the wrong, in their effect quite just those Keep away, which the Hezbollah carries out with the missiles, which have been fired in the beginning of the struggle daily to Israel. The precision bombs of one side are the “stupid” bombs of the other opposite. Also the use of the rockets, which probably derived mainly from Iran, distinguishes this conflict of Afghanistan and Iraq, where the country had already defeated militarically and react with obstruction and hurt on the ground.

The Hezbollah probably also the first group, the drones – probably Iranian origin – and they also performed twice over the airspace of Israel to surprise the Israeli militar. Drones are used by the Israeli site for monitoring the combat area in coarse number and got treasure treasures because day and night movements on the ground can be discovered and tracked. In the nearby Haifa, according to the Israeli militar, a Hisbollah drone flying with 150 km / h. Hisbollah drone over the sea of fighter aircraft. Whether the drone was equipped with weapons is not known.

About how many drones the Hezbollah has, is also unknown. Maybe she could be one of the secret weapons who should provide for surprise that Nasrallah announced. According to his information, they were able to transport up to 45 kg explosives. But they could also, if Hezbollah has chemical or biological weapons, bring them to their goal. As it is called, the Israeli militar has recognized and prosecuted after admission to Israeli airspace, but when Hezbollah has numerous drones equipped with weapons, then not only the risk is roughly rough, but also a crucial step done, who undermined the previously existing militar-technical conventionality of state troops. The probable presence of further drones is so threatening for Israel as threatening as the fraction of the Zelzal long-distance missiles, but the Hezbollah was not allowed to use so far due to a prohibition originating from Iran. After reports of Ynet overwake now helicopters and fighter aircraft flushes the Israeli airspace.

Drones, anti-tank weapons or missiles replace suicide mats that used the Hezbollah Fruher. However, the warring of war is also more technical and thus on the one hand, on the one hand, somewhat more danger, but on the other hand, it can also be lighter to parry because technically the Israeli army, one of the best-eradiced armies in the world, remains to be considered. However, Hisbollah have been set to the asymmetric war for years – and with training by Iranian militar. As the former Unifil consultant Timur Goksel said the New York Times, Hisbollah not only has modern weapons, but she has also prepared for the war driving of the Israeli army, which works with overwarting power mainly from the air. Hezbollah has been planned in the long term in the difference to the palatinians and operate flexible with flat command structures. Also provide local support for concealed action. According to Goksel, it is the strategy of Hezbollah to engage the Israeli troops in a ground war and continue to move to the hinterland to make the supply routes for this long and danger.

The Israeli army extends the use of the ground forces. Minister Prosident Ehud Olmert ared, the militar was subject to no restrictions despite the negotiations on a resolution on ceasefire to prevent the firing of missiles. The brachial use of firepower is thus covered and arranged. But if the Israeli soldiers look deeper into Lebanon, they were also more likely to fall in the fall.

If Lebanon is now deploying troops in the south, this could make the situation even harder. Already, some Lebanese soldiers were killed by the bombing. Then they rade between the front, which also every protection force was going to go. Israel probably only eliminated the Hezbollah, if it bombed even more massively than so far the Lebanon. Politically, Israel, if it should be victorious, have no long-term success. Instead of relying only on military strong, Israel had to act strongly politically and try to take the extremists from the sailing. The US government under Bush, which adults and rather Pubertar so far, despite the unuitable failure in Afghanistan and in Iraq continues to focus on demonstration and use of military consideration, is not a major help.

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