50 Years brain warfare

Artichoke, MK Ultra and our daily media brainwashes

On the 10th.April 1953 the freshly baked CIA director held all W. Dulles his famous Brain-Warfare speech. This speech is today considered the starting signal for the most ambitious well-known research program for mastering the human brain in history, carried out under the Agide of the CIA. Dulles concluded the battle for the head of the people who should be beating with the Soviets, and for which it urgently develops the funds for psychological war. His words were not empty threat.

50 years Brain Warfare

On the 28th. November 1953, the newspaper from Frederick, Maryland reported that Frank Olson has fallen from a hotel room in New York or forty. Image: Eric Olson

The strictly secret CIA program “Artichoke”, later “MK Ultra”, Mixed approaches of intelligence services of the US Army, US Navy and others, which must be made more rapidly designed as manipulation, horching and torture techniques (hypnosis, drugs, electric shocks). Even before their practical application, these methods demanded numerous victims, as for their development illegal trials took place. With these attempts, the United States vanish against the Nurberger Arztekodex, how young Egmont R. Koch and Michael Wech in your book “Cover name artichoke: the secret human attempts of the CIA” (Bertelsmann Verlag, Munchen 2002) Reiterated or. In your priced television documentation of the same name.

In 1964, Richard Helms, The Cia’s Deputy Director for Plans, Responded to A Question from J. Lee Rankin, The General Counsel for The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, About Soviet Brainwashing Techniques. Mr. Helms Suggested That the Soviets Were Locked in A “Battle for the minds of men.” Helms What Echoing Allen Dulles, Who, As The Newly Installed Director of the Cia, Had Addressed a National Meeting of Princeton Alumni On April 10, 1953, at Hot Springs, Virginia, AS Follows. In The Past Few Years We Have Become Accustomed to Hearing Much About The Battle For Minds Minds-The War of Ideologies -And Indeed Our Government Has Been Driven by the International Tension We Call The ‘Cold War’ to Take Positive Steps to Recognize Psychological Warfare and to play to Active Role in IT. I Wonder, However, Whether WE Clearly Perceive The Magnitude of the Problem, Whether We Realize How Sinister The Battle for Men’s Minds Has Become in Sofiet Hands. We Might Call IT, in Its New Form, “Brain Warfare”. The Helms Memorandum What Classified in 1974 And Is Warren Commission Document No. 1131. The Dulles Speech What Excerpted in U.S. News And World Report (May 8, 1953), P. 54, Under the Title “Brain Warfare-Russia’s Secret Weapon.”

U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report, Cheryl Welsh, January 1998

The in A.W.Dulles speech for the first time publicly legitimized secret experiments pursued the goal of the threat “Communist brainwash” contrary – and the American Aufenpolitik “Dirty tricks” get ready. The foreign intelligence service CIA maintained close relations with the US Domination Ministry, especially in 1953 under Aufemister John Foster Dulles, the brother of the newly appointed CIA director Allen W. Dulles. In the US, Paranoia prevailed from Soviet infiltration. Anti-communist witch hunts should protect marxist thought in front of the eerie plague. A devilish ideology that could transform upright Americans into willeless puppets of feigned equalization – as in the movie “The invasion of the body eaters”.

A person could not be due to their own thinking, through their own decision to communist. That communism z.B. Before declining a state to the plutocracy, the Dulles Brood did not shine. The thought of a plutocracy, ie the rule of rich family clans, which buy office and power of their sprouts, was naturally far away – their coarse father had already dressed the post of the US Aufemister.

The threat “Communist brainwash” had also been shown in the Korean war when the Koreans from 1951, later the Chinese also demonstrated the US dispute the use of biodegradation (U.a. Pest bacteria and anthrax). US pilots that have been shot at their bombers gave this to Korean captivity.

The Cia Program, Known Principally by the Codename Mkrtra, Began in 1950 and what motifated largely in Response to Alleged Sofiet, Chinese, and North Korean uses of Mind-Control Techniques on U.S. Prisoners of was in Korea. BECAUSE MOST OF THE MUTRA RECORDS Were Deliberately Destroyed in 1973 by Order of Then-Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms, It Is Impossible to Have a Complete Understanding of the More Than 150 Individual Funded Research Projects Sponsored by Mkultra and the Related CIA Programs.

Achre Report, Chapter 3, Supreme Court Dissents Invoke The Nuremberg Code: CIA AND DOD HUMAN Subjects Research Scandals

For the United States a clear proof of a brainwash in the service of communist propaganda, so the version that prevailed in the western media and historiography. Until, for example, evidenced the light, which indicate a US biowaffing program in Camp Detrick (Pentagon confirmed after press report research on biological warfare materials). There was researched with anthrax, botulinus and plague, whereby Biowaffe experts from Nazi Germany and Japan were allowed to help, and especially those who had won their findings by criminal human experiments.

For covering these secret research and production activities, psychological techniques from the Artichoke program were used, also against a leading US biowaffing scientist, Frank R. Olson. This had to die in 1953 apparently after a failed LSD treatment, as the CIA no longer dared him; At the cover’s cover of the murder, the young Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld was also involved in 1975, so the concentration of autorenduos cook / change.

The son of the ex-CIA director and later US President George Bush, George W. Bush, Should Father in the Steam of US President refuse to sign a legally binding additional protocol to review the bioweapon convention for the USA (Biowaffing Conference in Geneva failed), even after the anthrax struggle in Washington 2001 – the incurrents with anthrax stems from Camp Detrick So from US production, highly probably carried out by a staff involved in the biowaffing program (on the trail of anthrax letters).

The development of Brain Warfare was currently at the time of Frank Olson. Further studies followed, Z.B. under the participation of the General Electric television researcher Herbert Krugmann, who explored the effect of television on the human psyche using EEG. However, most mkultra documentation was illegally destroyed by CIA Director Richard Helms.

Today, Muslims see themselves as a victim of a medial brainwash on the part of the Western, especially the US media that stamps them to potential terrorists and animates people to simplify black and white thinking (cf. The Role of Brainwashing in Current Events). A rogue, who today at all w. Dulles’ Brain Warfare thought.

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