Needs the crosslinked reason for people?

Present and future of crosslinked reason – Part 4

In the first part of these small article series it was about the will (the free will in the net) . Why this for the understanding of crosslinked reason, as we encounter them today, was important in the third part (reason of the community) has become visible: without will it does not make sense to speak of reason, reason is the tool, with which the will is looking for a path to his invention, especially when this path is not obvious and trivial.

In the second part of the series (is the network “extended mind”?) It was about which the reason of the individual is cross-linked from the head into the aus world and involved in the mind. This creates the crosslinked reason. In the modern world, this reason, driven by the logical-rational manner of the rationality, which passes through the victory train of natural sciences and technologies to predominance. Networks of people, so communities, parties, organizations and companies, will themselves become reasonable workers that explore their own will and develop their own reason and find ways to achieve their goals.

But if networks of people are reasonably reasonable that they use logical rules stable and comprehensible to decision-making, why should not a technical network itself develop their own reason? In the following I want to show that we are indeed on the way to such self-technical reason. The development can be demonstrated by two thought experiments in which the attributes of crosslinked reason of organizations are applied to technical networks. In the end, the question arises where people themselves stay in such a scenario. With a few thoughts about this question, the series will take you.

Reason goes into the net

A few years ago, the pirate party’s environment developed a software system for handling a new democratic will-educational procedure: Liquid Democracy or Liquid Feedback. The details are uninteresting for my argument, important is that the idea has emerged to allow a community’s networking software system to ensure a technical platform for the decision-making of a community. Theoretically, the procedure of liquid democracy is of course also possible without online networking and without technical network structures, but it was so complicated that it is practically non-implementable. On the other hand, every simple voting tool on the Internet is a technical potential for realization of communities, which were not possible without networking.

You always have to make it clear: First, there are the simple technical rules according to which a community comes to a result that accept all. That about several possible dates for a meeting of the community of the one is selected, to which most participants have time, is such a technical rule. It is kept and accepted by all for reasonable. By a software system in a networked environment, only the possibility is created to effectively apply this rule. The internet is the ideal infrastructure for many such rules. It even allows the application of procedures that were simply not feasible without the Internet. That is the reason for the success and the increasing dominance of the network. Not the network forces us the rules, it consistently implements the nature of the rules that we have been holding for the best for a long time.

Back to the online community that uses a vote tool for decision-making. You allow your members to involve your own opinion, your own will or your own convictions in the process of collective will formation. But that can now be quite difficult for the individual member. Even if it is about the topics where it does not know himself can delegate his voice to an expert of his trust, as it is intended for Liquid Democracy, it must decide who trusts to a topic, and also this decision Customize the member.

In order to meet their own decisions too reasonably, the member can then use tools again, decision-making aids that work like the election-o-messages or the selection tools of dating platforms.

It is obvious and user-friendly to connect these decision tools directly to the democracy tools. Then I only need to enter my prize dishes in the tools and in the case of a voting decision, the tool calculates quite determined individually, as I had to election, and gives me the voice. Nothing talks about how to proceed. One could think that the decision tool meets me in the first version of the integration into the election system the election proposal and I confirm it. In the next version, I could then set a hook with the option that the tool automatically coincides at the next question to the same subject area for me. In the third version, the tool was then given me the possibility that I only manually enter the automatic electoral process in individual cases.

But why should I think about my prize dishes?? Here could help me Big Data. The data collection algorithms could simply derive my Prablezenzen from my behavior and then automatically feed them into the decision tools. Again, a multi-stage procedure is conceivable, which reduces several versions of my own active participation with my understanding.

At the end of this process, the person is excreted from the willing of the community – and out of free. He is simply no longer needed or only as a passive data supplier for the determination of Prableerzenzen. Let us realize that any structured collection of measurable gross market research, any categorization of people in social layers and target and electoral groups, is a step in the direction of such automated will-forming systems. All this is highly reasonable, it obeyes the logic of crosslinked reason.

But even the data collection to determine Prableerzen will be no longer necessary in the end, because in the end it is no longer the will of the people, but just about the will of the technical network system itself. What that means should show the second thought experiment.

The reason of the network

For a long time, we know regulatory mechanisms in networks that are not available to serve the will of users or participants, but to secure the function of the network itself. More specifically, it is often about using the resources of the network itself in any sense optimal. Tools for routing and load distribution in networks According to these control mechanisms.

In the future technical networks, however, not only the computer networks that transport the information, but also about the transport networks, the networks of trade relations in which goods and financial transfers are handled. If a goods are bought and transported somewhere in the world, whereby the contract documents, the delivery avise and the payment transactions are generated and transmitted synchronously with the movement of the goods themselves, then we can soon no longer say whether the transaction in the shipping of the Goods, the delivery documents or the monetary payment exists. The different networks merge into a network that makes only different dimensions of the same transactions visible differently.

This future network will have control mechanisms that optimize the overall process in the interest of the network itself. The information collected via Big Data on us will no longer be used to determine our prize dishes, so our will, but to ensure that the network itself is working well. We could, first metaphorical, say that the network ensures that he is fine. And we will say that it is in our own interest that the network feels comfortable that it goes well (as we say today that it goes well a company), because we suspend that the network works.

The network could lead to the result that it needs a new traffic route that an airport needs to be expanded. It could even result in his democracy subsystem a political decision-making process. We were said: The network wants to have a new strain.

Thus obviously the fact that this technical network could have a will, and thus everything is given, which is necessary to provide its own reason to the network. The goods then the last consistent realization form of crosslinked reason, which is conceivable today.

However, the man was no longer present in this networked reason, he simply no longer uses. He said goodbye to himself, he has released from the burden of reasonable decision-making. He was free for the unnecessary things, you could consider optimistic.

Is man in crosslinked reason??

However, maybe we should not say goodbye to the crosslinked reason. The question is, of which type of will of crosslinked reason, if you really liberate from the human will – and what we could really start with our freedom to really start.

Already in the first part of this series, the modern Networked reason has little tolerance against a human will, which does not justify rationally with economic reasons of the usability or the factual objectives. Just want to climb on a mountain or want to run a marathon, is quickly disabled, especially if it is obvious that the effort is not a measurable benefit for the achievement of the goal, or if a risk, perhaps even for the community, to expect.

It is to be expected that a technical networked reason is not very open to such unnecessary goals against. She will encourage the average, not the extraordinary.

In addition, for many rough goals, humans need the technology. The technical networked reason has come to the idea to go to Mars? Already today, that’s remarkable, it is argued with reason that it does not make sense to fly people to Mars. It is a cost-effective, safer and scientifically as usual to send only unmanned spaceships and robots. That it is just the human longing to put the fuv on the strange planet, that is the technical reason alien.

Likewise a stranger is a technical reason to refrain from conscientious acts that are rational and economically bid. Not to implement a technical project because the beauty of a landscape is threatened, was considered irrational prior to technical reason – if it was not again under a useful aspect as a meaningful.

Conscience, longing and intuition, however, to human reason. Something to do the beauty sake of driving a bit of driving, to rejoice euphorically because something is done to refrain from something because the conscience prohibits – that’s all reason. However, it does not allow for a logical-rational concept of reason which can be technically implemented in. It breaks through the solid webs of crosslinked reason.

That’s why it does not make sense to delegate reason to the networked technology. With the help of the technology we will people will meet many longing lamps, as long as the human free will dominates the technique. Only if the technical reason became the MAB of all things, the free will would be there.

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